Book of Spells – Spell Book

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Book of Spells

Our Book of Spells is a beautiful, one-of-a-kind Grimoire and the perfect companion for a Witch or a Wizard. In this Book of Spells Grimoire, we reveal all the previously hidden secrets of casting a powerful spell! Time-tested for perfection, these spells can bring you whatever your heart desires: love, prosperity, health, or whatever else you have in mind. In this Grimoire, you will also find a special section dedicated to Rune Magick with powerful runic formulas tested thoroughly for perfect results.

Magically written and illustrated in LaPulia Studio’s unique style, this one-of-a-kind, truly powerful Book of Spells Grimoire will take its rightful place in your Magickal Library.

Book of Spells contains 400 parchment pages printed on a high-quality commercial printer. It is bound in beautiful Italian leather with raised “Book of Spells” and other decorative details.

Book of Spells Content: 
Introduction to Spellwork
Laws of Magick
Construction of Spell
Spellcasting mindset
Entering an altered state of consciousness for successful spellcasting
Create magical surroundings for spellcasting
Correspondences for spellcasting
Understanding and correctly applying the Law of Opposites to achieve successful results
Chants – creating a powerful incantation
Sigils and Seals
Creating a powerful magickal Entity or Servitor
Knot magick
Poppet Magick
Amulets and Talismans
Rune Magick – powerful bind runes and runic formulas that always provide fast results
Healing Spells
Love Spells
Prosperity/Job/Business/Success Spells
Protection Spells
Love Spells

Your magical Book of Shadows, Magic Grimoire, or Book of Spells will be crafted following the oldest witchcraft traditions. LaPulia Book of Shadows only uses brand new, pristine, virgin clean materials of the highest quality. In addition, before use, all of the materials used to create your book undergo a special cleansing ceremony to remove any negative energy and prepare them for use in production. Lastly, every single Book of Shadows and Grimoire is magically blessed before it is shipped to you.


  1. dalans

    I just received my new Spell Book. Wow!! It’s simply amazing. The leather cover is so beautiful. The pages inside have the most exquisite illustrations. The content is well written with elegent text. It’s truly a masterpiece. I am so excited to add it to my library of Rita’s special and unique tomes.

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