When I face some kind of a block in my work, I usually stop doing everything, especially writing. Then I get all the different papers, vintage and antique cards that I collected over many years, 3D stickers, antique lace, stamps, and glue. Then I open a large 11″x14″ book that used to have only blank pages and I just assemble all these art pieces on the pages. After making just a few pages, the block normally leaves and I go back to my “regular” work but with new ideas. I started this book back in December of 2003 when I was six months pregnant with my third child – with my son Arik. Well, 13.5 years later I have noticed that there are only a few pages left blank!
Each page in this book is completely designed and hand-decorated by me! This book is basically reflected my spiritual, as well as personal growth during the last 13.5 years!
Because this sketchbook wasn’t created in my studio (LaPulia Studio is only 12 years old), but purchased in some art store – it’s binding is falling apart. Therefore, I will give this Book to Jovan ( our master bookmaker) to do a rebind and to create a completely new leather cover! I will post some more images from inside the Book as well as when the cover is made new! (by Rita Digilova, June 2017)

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